6 Steps towards healing


1. Do nothing: Active relaxation (Savasana). Lie down on the floor, rest, turn off your phone and meditate. Create calmness and peace around you.

2. Gather information: Read books, try to understand what is going on, google, but remember to read with a critical eye.

3. Relax and gather energy: It’s good to laugh, yoga, cry, flower remedies, prayers, colors, essential oils and concentration meditation.

4. Strengthen and nourish: Herbal teas, herbal remedies, love, lifestyle changes, physical exercises, hugs, yoga, eat a good and nourishing food.

5. Stimulate/Placate: Alternating hot and cold water, most types of massage, craniosacral therapy, various herbs, acupuncture, chiropracy and yoga.

6. Use supplements: Spirulina, The Green Bomb (Jurtaapótek), flower pollen, green herbs like Stinging Nettle, cold pressed vegetable oils and other purely natural supplements.

7. Medication: If the above mentioned items aren’t working, use traditional medication to begin with, perhaps herbs can help later on. Sometimes it’s essential to use pharmacological medication and it’s great that they are available, just be careful not to use too much of them. Nature is extremely clever.

8. Break and go inside: Surgery, rolfing, enemas, antidepressants and diagnosis like x-rays and MRIs.

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Laugavegi 70
101 Reykjavík
Phone no. 552 1103

Opening hours

10-18 weekdays
10-16 fridays
11-14 saturdays

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