Fertility and pregnancy supported with herbs and nutrition

To create a new person and maintain human life on earth, we need fertility. Most of us want to be fertile but unfortunately, not all of us are.


Can you do something to increase fertility?


Yes it‘s possible, but it can be very difficult and sometimes the only thing we can do is prepare the female body for in vitro fertilization and even if that is usually possible sometimes there is nothing we can do.


What can you do to increase fertility?


1. The first step is to make the body healthy again.

            a) Exercise is very important. You need to find the right kind of exercise that suits you. If you are very stressed or sensitive to environmental stimuli, yoga or something similar is probably best.

            b) A healthy diet is crucial when you are trying to make a new person, this goes for both sexes. It’s best to eat a variety of foods to maximize your nutritional intake. Keep the food as free of additives as possible and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Seeds and nuts contain a lot of diverse nutrients and essential polyunsaturated fats. It’s better to eat more fish than meat and substitute those with beans on occasion. Avoid everything that has been overly processed, like white wheat and white sugar. It’s best to make as much of your own food from scratch, it takes more time, but it’s so worth it.



A healthy diet can also be used to build up the female and male body for fertilization.


1. Use the diet described above.

2. Fasting is good after you have eaten a healthy diet for about 3 – 4 months, since it stimulates production of healthy eggs and sperm. The duration of the fast depends on the condition of your body. If you are fasting for the first time, 4 days is appropriate or even one day. It’s suitable for some people to fast one day a week.

The most likely reason for allergies and disorders, that often start right after birth, is that the parents didn’t take good enough care of themselves. This is something few people have considered but it’s something we need to start considering if we want to stop creating immunocompromised individuals. Of course there are many other things to consider, but we can do more than we think.

3. Good sleep and rest is essential to build up and maintain each individual.

4. Obviously you should avoid smoking and alcohol if you want to maintain a healthy body.

5. Our mental and spiritual health needs to be good also and there is plenty we can do in that aspect:

  • Make art.
  • Listen to music.
  • Read good books.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Do yoga.
  • Go to art galleries.
  • Go to the theatre.


Once you have fixed your diet, exercise, sleep and mental health you can start thinking about using some herbs to increase fertility. Most of the herbs used are very nutrient rich, which just makes your bodies even healthier.


There are many herbs that are believed to increase fertility, though some of them are not completely safe for use. I’d like to emphasize, don’t use anything else except what I mention here unless discussing it with a licensed herbalist first. Don’t talk to a traditional medical doctor since he/she probably won’t even know these herbs and will undoubtedly recommend you not to take any herbs just to be on the safe side.


Reasons for infertility are many and differ between individuals. Sometimes it can be relatively easy to increase fertility in a woman that has even been trying for years.


Herbs that increase fertility


These herbs can be categorized into the following categories, depending on functionality.

Herbs that nourish and strengthens the uterus itself.

Herbs that nourish the whole body.

Herbs that calm the nervous system.

Herbs that balance hormones.

Herbs that increase sex drive.


Red Clover: Is a very effective herb. It has a high protein content, is rich in easily absorbable calcium and magnesium, can calm the nervous system and increase fertility. It also contain a lot of other minerals that have positive effects on the gonads and balance hormones. Since Red Clover is basic it can help to balance the body’s pH, including the uterus and vagina, creating the right conditions for fertilization.


Stinging Nettle: Strengthens the uterus and is generally strengthening for the whole body due to its high mineral and chlorophyll content, which nourish and strengthens the endocrine system. It also strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands. Red Clover and Stinging Nettle can be mixed together, in equal measure, and drunken like a tea, 1-2 tbsp in 1 cup of boiled water. Steep the herbs for at least 15 minutes before drinking. Stinging nettle contains a lot of easily absorbable iron and calcium.


Raspberry Leaves: Strengthens the uterus, making the endometrium ready to receive a fertilized egg. This herb also contains a lot of calcium. It’s good to mix it with Red Clover, using the same method as with Stinging Nettle. These herbs need to be used for months or even a whole year.


Chasteberry (Vitex): Is sometimes needed to balance hormones when they are out of whack. It regulates the pituitary gland and its hormones, in both men and women. Put ½ tsp in 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Let the mixture stand overnight and then drink on an empty stomach in the morning.


Lady’s Mantle: Is a very good herb to balance estrogen production since it contains estrogen-like hormones.


These are the 5 herbs that can be used to increase fertility. They are all very safe for use so they shouldn’t be able to cause anyone any damage. It’s important to consult an experienced herbalist before you start using these herbs, just so you can be sure you are using the right herbs. Not that the herbs can cause any damage, just to maximize results.



Old wives tales to increase fertility


Here I want to mention something that is believed to help though no scientific evidence is behind it. It involves using light to control ovulation. Keep a light on in the bedroom 3 nights in a row during the middle of the menstrual cycle, but complete darkness all the other nights, and ovulation will occur during these 3 nights, increasing the chance of fertilization. This method is believed to work really well while you are using the herbs. The nutrients most important during this period are calcium and magnesium, the most important nutrients for the woman to conceive and maintain pregnancy. That’s why it’s so good to use both Raspberry Leaves and Stinging Nettle, since both those herbs are calcium and magnesium rich. It’s good for the male to take Vitamin E to strengthen his reproduction system. He can also use herbs that contain testosterone-like hormones, like Turnera or Saw Palmetto, which increases testosterone production.


What can impact fertility or cause miscarriages




Raw or undercooked meat.


Caffeine (coffee, black tea, cola, chocolate and mate).


Antihistamines (also herb Ma Huang or Ephedra).

Most laxative herbs.

Medications for excess stomach acids.

Diuretic medications and herbs (Buchu, Horsetail and Juniper Berries).

Hair dyes.

Stimulants and anti-depressants.

Herbs and medications that contain steroid-like chemicals, like Ginseng, Licorice, Hops and Sage. Most of these herbs also decrease lactation, something which tells a lot about the real action of them.

Too much vitamin A, C and D. Vitamins found in herbs are a lot safer than the ones we get from pills. Most pills contain some man-made vitamins, even the once that are supposed to be all natural.

Strong chemicals like paint, solvents, varnish, glue, chemicals used for dry cleaning, some plastics and rubbers.

Cat litter.


The following spices can induce miscarriage so skip them altogether: Basil, caraway, celery seeds, ginger, fresh horseradish, savory, marjoram, nutmeg, rosemary, saffron, parsley, estragon and thyme. These herbs should be avoided during the first trimester when the risk of a miscarriage is the most. After that they should be safe.



What can you do to strengthen yourself during pregnancy?


In addition to a healthy and varied diet, what is needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy is to learn to breathe correctly, get enough sunlight, get enough oxygen, drink plenty of water, have a loving relationship with your significant other, a beautiful and balanced daily life and a positive outlook on life.


Most problems that occur during pregnancy can be prevented with a healthy diet, like morning sickness or mood swings which stem from swings in blood sugar, and can be remedied by eating whole grains, vegetables and by eating smaller portions more frequently during the day. Backache, hypertension and pains are due to calcium deficiency and varicose veins, hemorrhoid and anemia are all due to specific vitamin deficiencies. It is understandable that nutrient deficiencies are common during pregnancy, considering that there is a new individual growing inside and the amount of blood needs to increase by 50%.


One of the herbs that are recommended during pregnancy to strengthen the uterus and to prevent various maladies is RASPBERRY LEAVES, as previously mentioned. The herb is full of vitamins A, B, C and E and easily absorbable calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Its benefits are:

Increases fertility in both males and females.

Prevents miscarriages and bleedings.

Lessens morning sickness.

Decreases labor pains.

During labor the herb makes the uterus more flexible, decreasing tension and therefore pains. This doesn’t increase contractions but allows the uterus to work properly and therefore makes labor easier.


Next up is STINGING NETTLE, which is mainly useful due to its mineral content. Women suffering from fluid retention should use Stinging Nettle because it strengthens the kidneys.

Its benefits are:

Decreases leg cramps.

Prevents heavy bleeding after birth.

Lowers the risk of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Stimulates lactation.


Herbs for nausea:



Raspberry Leaves




If there is a likelihood of miscarriage, the woman should avoid Ginger altogether. It has been used for pregnancy related nausea but should be completely avoided the first 3 months. There are herbs available that can be used in this case, but they are very strong and not available in Iceland. Vitamin E can help in some cases.


Yarrow can be used for all manner of pregnancy related problems, i.e. varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It’s best to use it regularly as a preventative because it takes it a few months to work because it is so mild.




CHEMICAL                PREGNANT         LACTATING        NORMAL

energy (kcal)             2500                             2700                                      2200

protein (g)                  60                                 65                                          44-50

calcium (mg)             1200                             1200                                      800

phosphorus (mg)      1200                             1200                                      800

iron (mg)                    30                                 15                                          15

magnesium (mg)       320                               355                                        280

iodine (mcg)               175                               200                                        150

zinc (mg)                     15                                 19                                          12

selenium (mcg)          65                                  75                                          55

vit.A (mcg)                  800                                1300                                      800

vit.D (mcg)                  10                                  10                                          10



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