Caster oil for inflammation

  1. Castor oil in a cotton cloth is placed on the stomach.
  2. Then apply a plastic film to prevent oil from getting in clothes.
  3. Next, a heat bag is placed over the plactic film and a towel over that.
  4. A blanket is placed over the person and kept for 1 hour. We recommend laying and relaxing for that period.
  5. This is good to do 3 times a week. This soothes the stomach and reduces inflammation, convulsions and pain.

Can be useful in the case of menstrual cramps, cramps and pain due to unpleasant colon or constipation. It is also good to do this at the same time as cleansing.

Note that it is good to put the towel and/or plastic underneath the person as well to prevent the oil form spilling.

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