Cajeput - 10 ml
Product description
VNR: 1104Cajuput (Melaleuca minor cajuputi)
This oil is stimulating, analgesic and antibacterial. It’s good against colds and other respiratory ailments. It increases concentration, is relaxing, increases self-confidence and can lessen nausea if inhaled. Externally it is excellent for oily skin and psoriasis.
Active ingredients: E.g. Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene and Terpinolene.
Essential oils are 75 – 100 times stronger than tea.
Essential oils are good for home use as stimulants or relaxants for the nervous system and they can be used in many ways.
Bath: Put 5 – 10 drops of pure essential oil into bathwater.
Inhalation: Put 3 – 6 drops in a bowl of hot water, put a towel over your head and breathe deeply in the steam for 5 – 10 minutes. You can also put one drop in your palm and inhale deeply, the chemicals in the oils go straight to your brain and have an immediate effect.
Perfume: Some oils are suitable to use as perfume.